As many of you will know, last week Canada’s Border Services Agency decided that it would bar British Member of Parliament George Galloway from entering Canada. CBSA claims that Galloway poses a threat to Canada’s national security!
Galloway is an outspoken critic of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and of Israel’s foreign policy. He was scheduled to do a speaking tour in Canada at the end of this month (with a talk scheduled here at the Bronson Centre in Ottawa on April 2nd, at 7pm).
Conservative MP Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada, explained that he will not use his authority to overturn CBSA’s decision. In other words, our government is preventing a British MP from delivering a few speeches in this country! Our government is yet again censoring free speech! Our government is shielding us from the truth by inciting fear and appealing to threats of national security. Yet again our government is quashing dissent!
We need to fight back against this blatant disregard for free speech! Send an email to add your name, with your endorsement of Galloway’s right to speak to the Let Galloway Speak Committee, at Galloway.Canada@gmail.com
Send a quick email to your MP and copy Jason Kenney (KenneJ@parl.gc.ca) asking to guarantee Galloway’s civil liberties by allowing him into Canada.
Check out George Galloway’s official website to see video of him speaking on the wars in Lebanon, Gaza, Afghanistan and Iraq: http://www.georgegalloway.com/
Check out the CBC news story about the ban on Galloway:
Check out Section 34 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, which defines the grounds upon which someone can be denied entry to Canada for reasons of security, (to see how preposterous the government’s claim is): http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/ShowFullDoc/cs/I-2.5///en