So who cares? Well, as I've discovered this week - it's a bit of a sore spot for (some) geographers. Despite the pop-cultural 'common sense' belief that geography is the study of maps, or at best unique places, and that it's leading association is the National Geographic Society, in fact one of the discipline's most important underlying themes has been the study of humans and their environment, at all the complex levels you can interpret the dialectic (and this theme long outlives the rise of popular environmental awareness in the 1970s and the growth of 'environmental education' programs in the last decade). Hence you have within one department a spectrum of scholars - from those who study ice cores in Antarctica to others who write about ecofeminism in small Indonesian communities. But as the environmental movement ramped up, and demand for environment-based courses popped up in universities, the geographers who didn't manage to take ownership of environmental studies felt, well, dissed (for lack of a better word). Rhetorical questions were asked: If they don't think environmental studies is fully enmeshed in geographical studies, well then what do they think we actually do here in Geography - look at maps all day?
While on the one hand it's easy to see how it's a sore spot for geographers, on the other hand, it's something geographers should learn to get over. In acclaimed geographer Ron Johnston's words: "We should just get on with it" (10). That is, we should keep doing the work that we do, and strive to do it well. In doing so, we (that is, geographers - a group I'm learning to refer to self-referentially) should worry not about other disciplines 'stealing' environmental awareness from us. Rather, we can embrace the opportunity provided by a unique discipline with a rich history of anthropo-ecological awareness, and just get back to it.
Johnston, Ron. "Critical Review: Geography (or geographers) and earth system science," Geoforum, 37 (2006): 7-11.